Hello There, I’m Stacy.

my mission is to empower women to live their best lives.

I’m a Manifestation and Emotional Mastery Life Coach, CEO, and founder of Manifest a Beautiful Life. I’ve spent over two decades coaching women worldwide who seek to create their lives from a place of passion, joy, and love. My mission is to support and inspire women in midlife to live every day with ease, grace, and joy while encouraging them to manifest their greatest life possible.

Let me guide you on your manifestation journey.

Let’s Manifest together!

If you’ve reached your 50’s and feel a bit lost or defeated, I want to encourage you to refocus and re-discover yourself. Life as you know it isn’t ending because the kids left home, you went through a divorce, or because you don’t look like a 20-year-old anymore. No, life is just getting more interesting and I’d love you to dive in as we tackle the second half of life with joy and positivity.

If you feel like you need a new direction or a breath of fresh air, then join me on this journey of re-creating ourselves. I aim to be a woman who is gracious and grateful, kind and considerate of others, fun and always having a smile to share, loving to my family and friends, and also knowing my boundaries and being true to myself.

Who do you want to become?

What do you desire?



My Favorite Things

02. bona fide bookworm

in my downtime I can most often be found with a book in hand or a cat on my lap…or preferably both!

04. beaches

the beach is an immersive experience, where the rhythmic waves, golden sands, and endless horizon create a tranquil sanctuary that soothes the soul and ignites a profound sense of serenity.

06. Solitude

in my solitude I relish the quiet moments where self-discovery unfolds, providing a sanctuary for introspection, creativity, and a deep connection with my inner self.

01. Friends & Family

In moments with Friends and family, I find solace in the bonds of genuine connection, experiencing the warmth of shared laughter, the comfort of understanding glances, and the reassurance that comes from being surrounded by those who truly know and care for me.

03. Self-Care Junkie

prioritizing my well-being with an unapologetic commitment to practices that nurture the mind, body, and soul.

05. Healthy Living

Navigating life beyond 50 involves embracing overall well-being, combining nutritious choices, regular movement, and mindfulness, fostering vitality and resilience during this vibrant phase of life.

Where to…

stay tuned for the upcoming


How I can help


Take a Journey with me

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